AAR-SW Friends,
The Calvin Studies Society has just announced that their 2017 annual meeting will be held at Baylor University in Waco, TX. CSS and BU would like to invite regional scholars interested in Calvin and the Reformation to attend. There is also a CFP for graduate students. See below for the conference details.
Conference Details:
Calvin and the early Reformation
Baylor, University (Waco, TX)
March 16-18, 2017
As we approach the 500-year anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, the Calvin Studies Society is focusing on the milieu in which Calvin existed. What influential people and writings shaped Calvin? What events occurred which might have impacted Calvin’s life and thought? What was “in the air” in the Europe of the 1520s and 1530s? Join us for the next CSS Colloquium as we explore these topics!
Please register through our online store HERE.
The Society especially welcomes graduate students and young scholars to the colloquium. The final session of the Colloquium will feature graduate student papers. If you are interested in participating as a graduate student, please submit the form HERE.