The Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies at The University of Texas at Dallas invites you to join fellow scholars March 2-4, 2019 as we continue the important legacy established by Franklin H. Littell and Hubert G. Locke nearly fifty years ago. This conference offers the opportunity to address the historical significance of the Holocaust through scholarship that is interfaith, international, and interdisciplinary.
The central theme of the 2019 ASC is “Conflicting Realities of the Holocaust.” 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of two important events: the liberation of Majdanek and the mass deportation of the Hungarian Jews. Liberation and death continued to coexist in the last year of the Holocaust. We now know with hindsight that these were the final months of the Third Reich, yet they still shaped uncertain and conflicting realities for the victims and perpetrators. The conference welcomes participants to revisit the Holocaust from the perspective of divergent realities and their representations either directly or indirectly. How did victims and perpetrators interpret these complex realities and how, if at all, did they inform their actions?
This is an open call for papers. Please note that this includes topics not related exclusively to the theme.
Please email presentation proposals to [email protected] with “ASC Proposal” as the subject. The proposal should include the title of the paper with a short abstract of 250-500 words and a brief (150 word ) bio and short CV. Proposals may be for a panel, round table , or individual paper. Proposal submission deadline: November 1, 2018. Notification of Acceptance letters will be emailed no later than November 15, 2018. Registration will open on December 1, 2018.
There will be limited financial support available for graduate students and junior scholars. Please indicate in your proposal if you would like to apply for one of these awards, including how this conference will help you in your research and/or professionally. Interested participants are encouraged to visit for more information or email Cindy Seton-Rogers at [email protected] with any questions.
Cindy Seton-Rogers
Academic and Outreach Events Manager
Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies
The University of Texas at Dallas
Office: JO 4.802
800 W Campbell Road, JO31
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Phone: 972-883-2724 | Fax: 972-883-2101