You are invited to take part on the world’s largest editorial project
on sustainability ever undertaken – the “Encyclopedia of the
Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming the World We Want”
published by Springer, as part of the award-winning “World
Sustainability Series”:
The Encyclopedia encompasses 17 volumes, but we are particularly
seeking authors for:
Goal 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth (Promote sustained, inclusive
and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all)
For each, we have terms which need to be authored, but you can suggest
up to 3 chapters to author.
The size of each chapter will be circa 4,900 words (excluding the
reference list). The chapters
are critical summaries/synopses rather than original research reports.
Contributions to the Encyclopedia are peer-reviewed. By February 22, please submit your contribution to Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin [email protected]. Contact Info:
Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin, Researcher at Harvard University, [email protected]