AAR-SW Friends,
The Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA) is pleased to announce its new journal, Antisemitism Studies, which will be published by Indiana University Press. They have issued their first call for manuscripts for their first and second issues (deadlines are September 15 2016 and December 15, 2016 respectively). Below is the full CFP.
The editor of Antisemitism Studies welcomes the submission of manuscripts that will contribute to the scholarly study of antisemitism. We will consider articles on specific antisemitic episodes, and their historical significance and impact on society, as well as more thematic and theoretical studies of the phenomenon. Authors may work from any disciplinary perspective, address any cultural, national, or religious context, and study any period of history, including the present. We are particularly interested in articles that appeal to a broad international audience of scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
For detailed information on manuscript preparation and to sign up to our email list please visit: antisemitismstudies.com.
Manuscripts should be submitted via the Indiana University Press website: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/iupjournals/index.php/ant/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
Antisemitism Studies adheres to a double–blind peer review process in which the identities of the author and reviewers remain confidential. Please note that the formal evaluation process on all submissions takes approximately three to four months, and the period between acceptance of an article and its publication is between nine months and one year.
Book reviews are generally solicited by the editor; however, suggestions for possible book reviews are welcome. Publishers interested in having their books considered for review in Antisemitism Studies should mail two copies of the book to:
Dr. Catherine Chatterley
Editor-in-Chief, Antisemitism Studies
c/o Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism
PO Box 58029 RPO Bishop Grandin
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2M 2R6
Any questions about the journal or its submissions process may be directed to the editor: [email protected]