AAR-SW Friends,
First Things and the Austin Graduate School of Theology have announced an upcoming invited lecture by Peter J. Leithart on the topic of Reformational Catholicism. The Lecture will take place on September 12, 2016 at 7:00PM. University Avenue Church of Christ (1903 University Avenue) in Austin, TX has agreed to host the lecture.
For the full lecture announcement, or to RSVP, visit the website here.
First Things and Austin Graduate School of Theology invite you to
a First Things lecture presented by Peter J. Leithart.
Reformational Catholicism
Despite undoubted achievements, denominational Christianity doesn’t fulfill Jesus’s desire for unity. Only the Spirit of Jesus can make the dead bones of the church live again. We are called to repentance, to renewed faith, hope, and love. Reformational Catholicism is an attempt to give shape to that repentance, calling Protestants to become more Catholic as we seek to heal the wounds of centuries.
Monday, September 12, 2016
University Avenue Church of Christ (map & directions)
1903 University Avenue
Austin, Texas 78705
For more information about Austin Graduate School of Theology, please visit:
Peter J. Leithart is President of the Theopolis Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, and an adjunct Senior Fellow at New St. Andrews College. He is author, most recently, of Gratitude: An Intellectual History.