AAR-SW Friends,
The International Linguistics Center and SIL International and the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics are pleased to announce this year’s Bible Translation conference in Dallas, TX. The CFP deadline is May 5, 2017, and the conference will be held on October 13-17, 2017. Please see the full CFP below for instructions of submitting paper proposals.
The upcoming Bible Translation Conference will be October 13-17, 2017, in the Dallas, Texas, area, near the International Linguistics Center (at Duncanville First Baptist Church). The conference is co-sponsored by SIL International and the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics. The Eugene A. Nida Lecture Series is sponsored by the Nida Institute.
We are accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the theme and following sub-themes:
- Bible Translation Theory & Practice
- Educating and Empowering Translators
- Engaging Local Communities with Scripture
- Relevance of Tradition in BT
- Innovations in BT
- Theology of/in Translation
The abstract deadline will be May 5, 2017. The abstract guidelines and a list of potential topics in each sub-theme are attached.
The Beekman Lectures will be presented by Dr. Margaret Muthwii, Vice Chancellor of Pan Africa Christian University.
The Eugene A. Nida Lecturer will be Dr. Issa Diab, Professor of Semitic and Interfaith Studies.
The Banquet speaker will be Dr. Tim Laniak, Dean and Professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell, Charlotte.
October 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the nailing of the 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. To commemorate the life of Martin Luther the reformer and Bible translator, we have invited Dr. Eric Herrman to present a plenary. He is a noted Luther expert and director of the Center for Reformation Research.
There will also be several other plenary lectures and approximately 115 other papers (as oral presentations and posters) presented by your colleagues in the Translation Community and in related specialties.
Registration cost information will be available at a later date. See the website for this information and registration forms.
Before you make your travel plans, please look at the website for other opportunities, events, or workshops in Dallas that may occur before or after the BT2017 Conference that may also be of interest to you. These events are not sponsored by the BT Conference, but we post them as we become aware of them.
- Please plan to share your knowledge with your colleagues: submit one or more abstracts on the theme or sub-themes. We will accept abstracts until May 5, 2017.
- Please plan to attend BT 2017, October 13-17.
- Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to interested colleagues.
For more information see:
http://www.gial.edu/news-views/bt-conference or write [email protected]
Thanks for your consideration,
Peggy Connett
BT Conference Coordinator