We are seeking contributors to Women Who Changed the World, to be published by ABC-CLIO. This ambitious, 4-volume reference work will contain essays on approximately 250 women from world history, from ancient times to the twenty-first century, from Bella Abzug to Empress Zauditu. The collection will not only provide biographical profiles of women from all parts of the world, but also will address the contexts in which they overcame obstacles and persevered to change the worlds into which they were born. We welcome proposed contributions from scholars from all world regions and across all career stages, including early career historians and graduate students.
This world history project will explore the variety of gendered experiences and constructed identities on every continent, as well as the impact and influence of individual (and some groups of) women, both positive and negative. The essays will include the significance of individual life experiences (how they “changed” their worlds) and the specific historical and cultural contexts in which each woman lived and struggled. The common format of the entries is meant to be a rough guide, given the global scope of the project, by keeping the contributions open to historical and comparative critical thinking. The writing style should be accessible to the general reader, since the volumes will be marketed to libraries and schools, as well as colleges and universities.
Contributors will receive access to the completed work, in addition to the standard byline as the author. Essays will be peer-reviewed. Deadlines are somewhat negotiable, with the preferred due date prior to September 2019.
For a full list of entries available for assignment or any further questions, we invite you to contact the General Editor: Dr. Candice Goucher, [email protected]. Please include WWCTW in the subject line and provide your areas of expertise and a brief cv with your inquiry. Contact Info:
Dr. Candice Goucher
Washington State University