Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence: The Past, Present, and Future of AI
Seeking contributors for a single-volume encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, to be published by ABC-CLIO in spring 2020.
An updated list of available entries may be viewed at https://artificialother.com/2018/09/03/call-for-contributors-encyclopedi…
Some people believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will revolutionize modern life in ways that improve human existence. Others say that the promise of AI is overblown. And still others contend that AI applications could pose a grave threat to the economic security of millions of people by taking their jobs and otherwise rendering them “obsolete.” Or even worse, that AI could actually spell the end of the human race, as posited by Stephen Hawking in 2014.
This encyclopedia will provide readers with a complete overview of Artificial Intelligence and help users understand the reasons why AI development has both spirited defenders and alarmed critics. It will survey AI’s historic development and current status; explain existing and projected applications; profile AI’s biggest proponents and detractors; and explain theories and innovations using language and terminology accessible to a lay audience.
Contributors receive writing credit and eBook access to the published set. Contributors also get a free copy of the book for essays totaling 2500 words contributed (domestic) or 5500 words contributed (international).
If you are interested in writing for this project, please email encyclopedia co-editor Dr. Michael Klein ([email protected]), with a brief CV and list of areas of interest and expertise, and he will send a list of available entries.
Thank you for your interest in this important project.
—Dr. Philip L. Frana and Dr. Michael Klein, James Madison UniversityContact Info:
Dr. Philip L. Frana ([email protected]) and Dr. Michael Klein ([email protected])