Call for Reviewers: Religious Studies Review

AAR-SW Friends,

Religious Studies Review is seeking scholars in the field of Jewish studies to join their team of reviewers. Below is the full announcement.

The Religious Studies Review publishes Booknotes, which are short (250 words) reviews of recent publications, as well as longer review essays assessing larger trends in Religious Studies scholarship. For more information on the journal, see here:…/10.1111/%28ISSN%291748-0922 Loren Spielman, Flora Cassen and Claire Sufrin oversee reviews of books about Judaism, and we hope you will consider joining our team of reviewers.

For each note or essay you write, you will receive a free copy of the book and have three months after it arrives to complete your review; we will provide you with plenty of details regarding Booknote style and format. This is an easy way to get free copies of new books you’d like to read and add a little heft to the Book Reviews section of your CV. On top of all that, you will be doing an important service for our field.

Please contact us if you are interested in writing for Religious Studies Review:
Loren Spielman (Judaism: Hellenistic through Late Antiquity):
Flora Cassen (Judaism: Medieval/Early Modern):
Claire Sufrin (Judaism: Modern and Jewish Thought):
