AAR-SW Friends,
Editors Colleen Boyett, Micheal Tarver, and Carolyn Neel are seeking authors to contribute articles to their forthcoming four volume encyclopedia on the Daily Life of Women in World History. The encyclopedia is contracted with ABC-CLIO Publishing. Interested potential authors should contact Micheal Tarver for a full list of available entries at [email protected]. As always, below is the original full CFP.
Now seeking contributors to a forthcoming four-volume encyclopedia on the daily lives and roles of women in world history to be published by ABC-CLIO, under the editorship of Colleen Boyett, Micheal Tarver, and Carolyn Neel. Expressions of interest are welcome from graduate students, postdocs, professors, and public history professionals.
An entry list has been determined by the editors and publisher, with entries ranging from earliest societies to modern nations. The various specific societies include Colonial Latin America and Modern Latin America, with the entry themes being: The Arts; Economics and Work; Family and Community Life; Recreation and Social Customs; and Religious Life.
Forgoing traditional A-Z entries, the encyclopedia will instead contain individual entries focusing on roles of women, such as Patrons, Artisans, Mystics, Witches, Academics, and so forth.
Individual entries will be no longer than 1,000 words.
Deadline for the initial round of contributions is February 1, 2017. Contrubutors who author multiple entries will be assigned varying deadlines to foster the submission process. Additional calls for contributors will appear thereafter.
For a full list of entries, and/or to express interest in contributing, please email Micheal Tarver at [email protected].