Fifty years from Barth’s own death and one-hundred years from the publication of the Römerbrief, the conference examines how fresh encounters with Karl Barth’s dogmatic theology and biblical exegesis might stimulate, inform, shape, and challenge contemporary reflection on the range of eschatological themes in Christian theology.
Those currently enrolled in a doctoral program or with completed doctorates are invited to submit paper proposals relevant to this year’s theme. We invite papers which draw Karl Barth’s life and work into constructive conversation concerning eschatological themes, perhaps focusing on the interpretation of key scriptural texts, or questions attending to key eschatological motifs: the matter of time and eternity, the Kingdom of God, death, judgment, resurrection, heaven and hell, apocalypse, theodicy, trauma, and the body (theologies of disability, race, sexuality, and gender). We especially encourage women, people of color, international students, and new voices in the Barth discussion to submit proposals.
Abstracts not exceeding 300 words should be sent to [email protected] no later than 15th January 2019. Papers should be no more than 3,500 words in order to be delivered in 30 minutes and allow 15-20 minutes for Q&A. Please include your current academic standing with submissions. For more information, please visit our website at:
Accepted applicants will receive free registration, meals, and lodging.