AAR-SW Friends,
The Center for Christian Discernment and Academic Leadership and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship have announced an upcoming academic conference at Georgetown College (Georgetown, KY) on world Christianity. Here are the conference details and below is the full CFP.
Conference Details:
A World Without End: The New Shape of World Christianity
Georgetown College, KY
CFP Deadline: Sep 15, 2016
Acceptance Notification: Oct 1, 2016
Conference Dates Jan 26-27, 2017
Visit the Conference Website Here
The character of Christianity is changing rapidly as its center shifts to the Global South. African and Asian Christian communities are thriving in contexts of pluralism, immigration, and political repression. New theologies are also emerging in these communities, expanding and challenging traditions. This conference explores the dynamics of change in the Body of Christ with the waning cohesion of Western and North American Christianity and the emerging need for new practices for participating in the living and growing community of Christian faith.
Suggested topics for paper or panel proposals:
- How does the rise of Global South Christianity affect leadership in Protestant denominations and Catholics?
- What challenges and opportunities for theological and pastoral education attend the next Christendom?
- What historical precursors provide guidance or insight to this time of change in Christianity?
- How might an emerging understanding of Christian missions, evangelism, and theology enrich Western and Northern Christianity, especially in terms of pluralism and multi-faith communities?
- What political/religious conditions are most threatening or promising in this changing religious landscape?
- How can Christians navigate the wealth divide between North and South, especially considering the impact of immigration and travel?
- How can local churches best educate their members on the thriving areas of Christianity in order to support and encourage their global neighbors?
- What can local congregations learn from Christians in the Global South?
- What practices will build Christian unity in the global community?
We invite proposals for presentations and panels, 750 words maximum with author(s) contact information and institutional affiliation, from all interested ministers, scholars, community organizers of all faiths and traditions.
Proposals are due
September 15, 2016. Decisions by October 1, 2016.
To submit a proposal or ask questions, email:
[email protected]