AAR-SW Friends,
Saint Mary’s College of Notre Dame, Indiana has announced the CFP for their Eleventh Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious. The conference will be held on June 23-26, 2019. They invite proposals for papers and panels addressing the conference theme of “Commemoration, Preservation, Celebration.” Proposals and accompanying CVs should be submitted via email in PDF format to [email protected] by June 1, 2018. Below is the Full CFP.
Conference Website: https://cushwa.nd.edu/news/call-for-papers-commemoration/
Commemoration, Preservation, Celebration
Eleventh Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious
Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana | June 23–26, 2019
The Program Committee invites proposals for papers and panels that address the conference theme, “Commemoration, Preservation, Celebration,” from academics and independent scholars in the fields of history, sociology, literature, anthropology, theology, gender studies, visual and creative arts, material culture, religious studies, and communications.
As the centennials of women’s suffrage in North America, Europe, and beyond generate renewed interest in women’s history, the conference seeks to explore how the history of women religious has been commemorated, preserved, and celebrated. How has that history been told, documented, and remembered? How have religious communities entrusted their history to others? How have anniversaries been moments of significance or transformation? How does the history of women religious intersect with turning points within women’s history more broadly?
The program committee also welcomes proposals for “1,000 Words in a Picture.” These short papers of up to 1,000 words analyze a single image (such as a picture, an artifact, or a document). These papers will be presented in a special plenary session during which each author will present the image in 10 minutes, followed by a five-minute question period.
Proposals for “1,000 Words in a Picture,” individual papers, or multiple-paper panels should include, for each paper, a one-page abstract (title and 250-word description) and a one-page curriculum vitae for each author. Submissions should be made electronically by June 1, 2018, by emailing PDFs of proposals and CVs to [email protected].
Saint Mary’s College is a Catholic liberal arts college for women located in Notre Dame, Indiana. Founded in 1844 by the Sisters of the Holy Cross, it was the first women’s college established in the Great Lakes region. The campus is located about five miles from the South Bend International Airport, which also offers train and shuttle connections to Chicago. Details concerning registration and accommodation will be posted on the HWR Website in early 2019 at chwr.org.
Please email [email protected].
The Program Committee:
Thomas Rzeznik (chair) | Mary Beth Fraser Connolly | Kara French
Deirdre Raftery | Sr. Sally Witt, C.S.J. | Kathleen Sprows Cummings