AAR-SW Friends,
Dr. Nevena Stojanovic has just extended her deadline for chapters for her edited collection on the famous nineteenth-century French Jewish actress Eliza Rachel Félix (1821-1858). Several possible topics include the intersection of religion and popular culture in the life of Eliza Rachel Félix. Below is the full CFP.
I welcome chapter proposals for an interdisciplinary collection on the life, oeuvre, and legacy of the famous nineteenth-century French Jewish actress Eliza Rachel Félix (1821-1858). Scholars in the fields of literary and cultural studies, theater, Jewish studies, history of art, journalism, etc. are encouraged to contribute the proposals. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
–Rachel as a Jewish actress
–Rachel as a tragedienne
–Rachel’s roles
–Rachel’s impact on the French theater
–Rachel’s influence on nineteenth-century actresses
–Rachel as a symbol of resistance and revolution
–Rachel as a national and international celebrity
–Rachel’s private and public lives
–Rachel’s biographers and their portrayals of her life and work
–References and allusions to Rachel in nineteenth-, twentieth-, and twenty-first century literature
Please send your proposal (300-500 words) and a brief bio to Prof. Nevena Stojanovic at [email protected] by May 1, 2018. Please type ‘edited collection on Rachel’ in the subject line. Feel free to contact Nevena if you have any queries. Cambridge Scholars Publishing is interested in publishing the collection.
Dr. Nevena Stojanovic
English Department
West Virginia University
327 Colson Hall
1503 University Avenue
PO Box 6296
Morgantown, WV 26506-6296
[email protected]