AAR-SW Friends,
UT Austin invites paper proposals to their annual interdisciplinary graduate student conference. Paper proposals are due January 20, 2017. The conference will be held in Austin, TX on April 8-9, 2017. Below is the original CFP.
Submit papers proposals including Paper Title, Name, Department and institutional affiliation, 250-300 word abstract, 1-2 page CV, and any potential A/V needs to [email protected].
Across the broad diversity of religions that humans have developed throughout history, the body is a constant. Through the body and the senses, people experience ritual, sacred space, and personal devotion. Our bodies shape our thinking and how we communicate religious concepts, and the body and the embodied experience of life are important subjects of religious thought. This conference will explore the role of embodiment, corporeality and the senses in religion. Submissions from all disciplines and fields are welcomed.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
● Religious phenomenologies of perception.
● Sensory and sensual experiences of the sacred.
● Disability and bodily diversity in religion.
● Habitus and piety.
● Experience of sacred spaces and landscapes.
● Sport and physical disciplines in religion.
● The senses and religious imagery.
● Moral understandings of the body and embodiment.
● Affect and emotions in religion.