CFP: “Forgiveness in World Religions” Call for Chapters

AAR-SW Friends,

Editor Gregory L. Bock is requesting short book chapters for the third volume of The Philosophy of Forgiveness series. This volume will focus upon the theme of forgiveness in world religions. The volume is currently contracted with Vernon Press. Chapter proposals of 400-700 words should be emailed along with a CV to [email protected]. Below is the full CFP.

Vernon Press invites short book chapter proposals for Volume III of The Philosophy of Forgiveness series, which will focus on forgiveness in world religions. Submissions are welcome from any discipline as long as the chapter contains a clear philosophical approach or component (ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.). Submissions can be on related issues like anger, justice, and punishment as long as the topic is appropriately related to forgiveness.


In recent years, philosophers and religious scholars have had rich conversation about forgiveness. Some notable book titles include Martha Nussbaum’s Anger and Forgiveness, Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Justice in Love, Simon Wiesenthal’s The Sunflower, and many others.  While the topic of forgiveness has been receiving more and more attention lately, forgiveness is not new. In fact, the idea of forgiveness can be traced back to ancient times, especially in religious traditions. Volume I in The Philosophy of Forgiveness touched on several religious perspectives, but only briefly. Volume III will expand on this by exploring forgiveness in religious traditions, including but not limited to Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The completed volume will be an indispensable work of comparative religious philosophy and will shed some new light on a very old idea.


Abstract due: March 31, 2017

Notification of Acceptance: April 28, 2017

Finalized Draft Due: October 13, 2017

Submission Details

Proposals should be between 400-700 words, and should clearly describe the author’s thesis and provide an overview of the proposed chapter’s structure. All proposals should be prepared for blind review, removing any reference to the author. As a separate document, authors should provide a short CV containing contact information and relevant publications, presentations, and/or research related to the chapter. Please email questions and submissions to [email protected]

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