AAR-SW Friends,
The Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism and the University of Notre Dame has announced an international conference on Global History and Catholicism. They invite paper and panel proposals along with corresponding CVs in PDF format via email at [email protected] by June 1, 2018. The conference will be held in Notre Dame, IN on April 4–6, 2019.
Conference Website: https://cushwa.nd.edu/news/call-for-papers-global-history-and-catholicism/
Global History and Catholicism
An international conference sponsored by the
Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
University of Notre Dame | April 4–6, 2019
This conference explores the intersection between global history—arguably the most significant development in historical scholarship over the last generation—and the history of the Roman Catholic Church, one of the world’s most global institutions.
We invite proposals for papers and panels that not only consider the ways in which globalism has shaped the Catholic Church, but also explore the impact of Catholic actors and entities on globalism from the late eighteenth century to the present. Proposals must explicitly address either or both of the following questions: how would a better understanding of Catholic history change the themes or periodization of global history? What about Catholicism would be better understood when situated in a more global context?
We welcome proposals that consider these questions and connect global Catholicism and the following topics: capitalism; family, gender, and sexuality; slavery; colonization and decolonization; race, nation, and ethnicity; migration; social movements and education; ideas and imaginaries; the environment; science, technology, and medicine.
Limited funds are available to assist graduate students with travel and lodging. Please note on your proposal if you would like to be considered for such assistance.
Proposals for individual papers or multiple-paper panels should include, for each paper, a one-page abstract (title and 250-word description) and a one-page curriculum vitae for each author. Submissions should be made electronically by June 1, 2018, by emailing PDFs of proposals and CVs to [email protected].
Program Organizers:
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, University of Notre Dame
John T. McGreevy, University of Notre Dame