AAR-SW Friends,
The Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies has issued a Call for Articles of no more than 20,000 words for their 2018 issue. Interested authors are advised to submit special topics proposals by November 1, and articles for consideration by December 15. Below is the full CFP.
Dear colleagues,
The Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies now accepts articles in English only. If you wish to submit your article manuscript for publication, please send in a Word document file formatted according to the “Manuscript Formatting” requirements. If you wish to organize a special topics issue, please send a proposal which contains a hundred-word description of the project, together with a list of potential participants and individual paper contributions. When sending your manuscript, please include your name, academic position, complete mailing address, telephone number and your e-mail address. Please also fill out the “Form for Contributors” document. Email all submissions to [email protected].
The JCBS produces one issue a year. The deadline for article submissions is December 15. The deadline for special topics proposals is November 1. Publication time for the each volume is in July.
For more details about the “Submissions” and “Manuscript Formatting,” please check the webpage at http://chinesebuddhiststudies.org/submissions.html.
Daniel B. Stevenson (University of Kansas)
Jimmy Y. Yu (Florida State University)
Shu-ya Hsu
Executive Assistant,
The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies