AAR-SW Friends,
The editor of the Journal of Hellenic Religion invites article contributions for the September 2018 issue on Greek religion, theology, and mythology. Article proposals of 250-300 words should be submitted via email to [email protected] by Feb 26, 2018.
Important Dates:
Proposal Submission: Feb 26, 2018.
First draft: May 28, 2018.
Final draft: July 23, 2018.
Publication: Sep 2018.
Below is the full CFP.
The editor of the Journal of Hellenic Religion (ISSN 1748-7811, eISSN 1748-782X) invites contributions for the forthcoming issue that is going to be published in September 2018.
The editor welcomes contributions that focus on the study of ancient Greek religion, theology and mythology. Articles could include, but not be limited to, archaeological, philological, art history, ancient history, classical reception, and/or philosophical approaches.
Article proposals should be submitted by 26 February 2018.
First article’s draft should be submitted by 28 May 2018.
Final article’s submission should be submitted by 23 July 2018.
Article proposals should include a 250-300 words abstract.
Contributions should follow the Oxford referencing system with endnotes and a full bibliography at the end of the paper.
The editor may request editions and/or alterations and a summary of the peer-reviewed process will be send after the author’s request.
Authors retain their copyright.
The authors should sign our License to Publish Form based on the standards of good academic research practice for publications.
Submissions must be in electronic format (.doc ; .odt) sent to the editor via email, and accompanied by the full name/s and the current email and postal addresses of the author/s.
Nikolaos Markoulakis, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hellenic Religion.
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.journalofhellenicreligion.meduse-d-or.fr/