The Editors of the online open access journal “Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History”, published by the Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica of Milan, invite scholars to submit articles on any aspect of Jewish history from the XVIIIth century to the present day (see the description of the journal in
“Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History” is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, it is indexed in the Directory of Open Access JOurnals (DOAJ), Ebsco’s Index to Jewish Periodicals, Thompson Reuter’s Emerging Sources Citation Index, and RAMBI (The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies).
This call is aimed at gathering articles for issue n. 12, to be published in December 2017.
To be considered for inclusion in that issue, you should send your papers by May 2017. Articles received later will be evaluated for publication in the following miscellaneous issues.
Manuscripts proposed for submission should follow the journal’s style guidelines (see
The article’s length can vary between 30,000 and 60,000 characters (footnotes and spaces included).
Articles proposed to the journal should be sent together with a short cv, a 200 word abstract and a statement guaranteeing that it is original and unpublished work, and that it is not being submitted to other journals at the same time. It is imperative that authors remove from their submissions any information that will identify them or their affiliations to reviewers.
Submissions must be sent to Dr. Laura Brazzo, Managing Editor of ‘Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History: [email protected]
Guri Schwarz, Editor in Chief of ‘Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History’