AAR-SW Friends,
Editors Russell M. Lawson and Benjamin A. Lawson have issued a call for contributors for their forthcoming four-volume encyclopedia on Race and Ethnicity. The encyclopedia is contracted with ABC-CLIO. Interested contributors should contact Dr. Russell Lawson via email [email protected]. Below is the full call for contributors.
Race and Ethnicity in the United States: From Pre-Contact to the Present, is a four-volume work with about 700 entries and over 1,000,000 words to be published in 2018. The editors are Russell M. Lawson, Ph.D., Professor of History at Bacone College, and Benjamin A. Lawson, Ph.D., independent Scholar.
The editors solicit inquiries from potential contributors who would like to bring their expertise to this project. The encyclopedia will encompass Race and Ethnicity from Pre-Contact through the American Revolution (volume 1); Race and Ethnicity from Independence through the Civil War (volume 2); Race and Ethnicity from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Movement (volume 3); and Race and Ethnicity from Post Civil Rights to the Present (volume 4).
Entries encompass significant events; people; places; phenomena; ideas; institutions; groups; social and cultural expressions; social, political, and labor movements; and wars and other conflicts. All important racial and ethnic groups over the course of American history will be included. Entries will be between 1000 and 3000 words, written in an objective, reference-book style (not polemical).
ABC-Clio offers compensation for contributors in the form of very modest cash payments; “Clio dollars” to be used to purchase ABC-Clio products; or a set of the 4-volume encyclopedia.
If you are interested in contributing, or if you know someone who might be, please contact editor Russell Lawson at [email protected].