Call for Papers “Moving In and With the Gaps: Second Annual TAMUG Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education” Department of Liberal Studies Texas A&M University at Galveston September 12-13, 2018 Moody Gardens Hotel and Conference Center Galveston, Texas
The second annual TAMUG Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education draws its theme from critic Sara Ahmed’s On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life, which describes the challenges that diversity practitioners face as they work “with as well as in the gap between words and deeds” around diversity and inclusion at a variety of institutions (Ahmed 140). We invite abstract submissions on any aspect of inclusion and diversity work that attends to the myriad ways that practitioners build internal and external relationships with multiple stakeholders, communicate its significance to multiple listeners, take ownership of initiatives and work toward transformative change. Presentation proposals might include but are not limited to the dynamics of diversity, dimensions of individual differences, diversity and media representations, educational policies, pedagogy, practices and curricula, the relationship between democracy, diversity and inclusion, and intersectional identities among many others.
We welcome abstracts from practitioners, students, community advocates, faculty, and staff in a range of formats including full panel submissions as well as individual presentations.
Potential presentation formats include: Quick Fire – 5 minutes with a shared discussion time Short Presentation – 10 minutes with 5 minutes discussion Medium Presentation – 20 minutes with 5 minutes discussion Demonstration – 15 minutes with 5 minutes debrief Poster Session or Resource Table – 1 hour on both days of the conference. Spectrogram – 20 minutes; a facilitator asks a somewhat controversial question and participants line up to take a stand on a spectrum; the facilitator interviews people along the spectrum Talk-to-Me Table – 45 minutes of discussion facilitated by an expert and 2 to 3 colleagues in a café setting Workshop – 45 minutes
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Margaret Salazar-Porzio, Curator of Latino History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History and Christian Picciolini, co-founder of the nonviolent peace advocacy organization, Life After Hate.
Please send your abstract of no more than 400 words to [email protected] by April 1, 2018. Using the subject line TAMUG Conference, please include your name, affiliation, presentation title, presentation format, and the names and affiliations of panel members if applicable. Accepted submitters will be notified of their status no later than June 15, 2018.
Contact Info:
Dr. JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz or Dr. Carol Bunch Davis, Texas A&M University at Galveston,