CFP: The Bahá’í Faith and Genocide
November 23-26, 2019 AAR/SLB Annual Meeting, San Diego
For a session co-sponsored between the Bahá’í Studies Unit and the Religion, Holocaust and Genocide Unit of the American Academy of Religion, papers are invited on a range of topics related to the persecution of the Bahá’ís in Iran. Does 40 years of continuous persecution constitute an attempt at genocide? What is at stake in naming the persecution of Bahá’ís as such, and what strategies from genocide studies might be brought to bear on the ongoing situation? What are the causes of the persecution? What are the psychological, social, cultural, and theological responses from the Iranian Bahá’ís? What impact has the persecution had on Bahá’í communities elsewhere in the world?
The deadline for a 500- word proposal is March 1, 2019.
URL for more information on the AAR,
For further information, and to submit a proposal:
Robert H. Stockman, Indiana University South Bend, [email protected]
Susan Maneck, Jackson State University, [email protected]