AAR-SW Graduate Student Friends,
The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School has issued a Call for Papers for their 2017 volume. GJHDS publishes work from across the humanities and social sciences on the topic of religion. Interested authors are encouraged to visit the journal’s website and should submit their prospective articles by January 10, 2017 to [email protected].
Below is the full CFP.
The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School is currently accepting submissions for its 2017 issue. Every year, the journal publishes papers from graduate students working across the humanities and social sciences on any topic relevant to the study of religion broadly conceived, the field of religious studies, and theology. Revising and submitting a paper for review provides students with the opportunity to refine their thinking around a topic and the possibility of showcasing their own independent research.
Submission requirements:
- Submissions should be around 20–25 pages double-spaced.
- Include a cover page with your name, institution, degree program, and a short paper abstract (100 words or less).
- Engage deeply with a specific field and offer a compelling argument that contributes to that field.
- Follow the Chicago Manual of Style for citations and include a final bibliography page.