FINAL CALL FOR AUTHORS – WOMEN IN WORLD RELIGIONS – All articles due Sept.1, 2017. Articles should be factual overviews between 500 and 2000 words.
Seeking author-scholars for the following topics (related topics can be proposed):
Women and the Feminine in —
African Religions: Arts, Magic, Marriage, Priestesses, Religious Performers and Performances, Witchcraft
Baha’i: Education, Sex and Gender, Heroines, Home Life, Ideal woman
Buddhism: Buddhism on the Internet, Feminine Virtues, Household Shrines, Lay Movements, Mahayana, Patronage, Women in Modern and Contemporary Buddhist Societies, Women’s Buddhist Networks
Christianity: Mary Magdalene, Christianity in Latin America, Modern and Contemporary Artists and Performers
Confucianism: Ancestors and Spirits, Chun Tzu, Confucian Revivalism, Daily Life of Women in Confucian Societies, Education, Filial Piety, Home Shrines, Kinship and Marriage, Neo Confucianism in China and Japan, Shamans and Seers, Stage of Life Ceremonies, Women’s Space
Daoism: Celestial Goddesses, Convents, Founders, Healers , Lay Women, Nuns and Ordination, Priestesses and Libationers, Shamanism, The Tao, Wu Wei
Islam: Ideal Woman, Life Cycle Ceremonies
Jainism: Marriage, Education
Judaism: Judaism in Europe, Oral Tradition, Peacemaking, Sephardic and Mizrachi Judaisms, Shabbat, Synagogue, Torah, Women in Modern and Contemporary Judaism
Native American Traditions: Chiefs and Elders, Dance/Performance, Education, Food Gathering and Agriculture, Medicine Women, Storytelling, Women’s Rituals
Paganism: Seasonal Celebrations, Eco Funerals
Sikihism: Community Life, Feminine Divine, Education, Sex and Gender
Contemporary Spirituality: Art, Movement, Online Spirituality, Syncretism
Susan de Gaia, General Editor, ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions: Faith and Culture Across History