AAR-SW Friends,
Zaramim has issued a Call for Articles for its Winter 2017/2018 issue on the topic of “Judaism, the 21st Century, and the political.” Submissions of no more than 10,000 words should be submitted electronically to [email protected] by September 26, 2017. Below is the full CFP.
The foundational principle of freedom in the United States is intertwined with the separation of church and state. At the same time, American history—past, present and likely the future—is affected by American religious cultures. Jewish tradition has not generally taken a position on secular values and laws. Yet Judaism holds a wealth of law and lore that inform the values of Jews in secular society. From Arab Springs to Brexit to Trump, the 21st century has witnessed unpredicted political revolutions that have urged new generations to engage politically, often for the first time. Zeramim is dedicating its Winter 2017/2018 issue to the question of what role(s) Judaism—in its many forms—should play in political discourse and activism in the 21st century. For our next issue, we invite submissions that relate to any of the following themes:
- Jewish affiliation and civic responsibility
- Jewish roles in multifaith political initiatives
- Jews’ civic responsibility in neutrality/advocacy/activism
- Jewish wisdom on political history/philosophy
- History of Jewish political engagement and ramifications for today
- Political discourse in Jewish education and/or Jewish organizational life
- Jewishly values in broaching individual political/civic questions in relationship to recent developments (foreign policy, socio-economic structures, race, gender, etc.)
Please send in your submissions by September 26, 2017 in accordance with the following guidelines below:
Zeramim welcomes the submission of essays in applied Jewish studies—articles analyzing subjects of Jewish inquiry that offer a unique lens on any aspect of Jewish life or thought that affects how Jewish culture, religion and/or people operate in the modern world. Submissions should be both accessible to a lay readership, and intellectually informed by and informative of current understandings in Jewish academia. Submissions may be no longer than 10,000 words. Notes should be kept to a minimum, referencing only the most essential sources, and should be in the form of footnotes, not endnotes. They may follow any recognized methodology of citation (MLA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.), provided that the same style is used throughout. All submissions must be submitted to [email protected] as .docx files, and all appendices to articles must be part of the same document submitted for consideration. Submissions including non-English languages should include translations of foreign phrases and transliterations of terms from languages with non-Roman alphabets. Submissions must include a 2-5 sentence biography of any author(s).