The University of Texas Department of Religious Studies and the Institute for Diversity and Civic Life are launching a research initiative to digitally map and document the religious diversity of Texas. To kick off this project, we are convening scholars of religion and culture for a dynamic conversation about documenting religions, digital and public humanities, and religious literacy that will develop the conceptual foundation for a publicly engaging and sustainable digital resource on religious diversity in Texas. Participants are encouraged to RSVP here.
Thursday January 26, 6pm, Glickman Center, CLA 1.302E
Keynote Talk:
Dr. Tracy Fessenden
Professor of Religious Studies, Arizona State University
“Mapping Religion in a Post-Secular Landscape”
Tracy Fessenden is Professor of Religious Studies at Arizona State University. Her work focuses gender, race, and sexuality in American religious history; religion and American literature and the arts; and the relationship between religion and the secular in American law and public life. She is the author of Culture and Redemption: Religion, the Secular, and American Literature (2006), co-editor of The Puritan Origins of American Sex: Religion, Sexuality and National Identity in American Literature (2001) and Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference (2013), and General Editor of the North American Religions series at New York University Press. Her essays have appeared in numerous journals, edited collections and anthologies.
Friday January 27, 2017
Conference Schedule
8:00am: Coffee & Introductions
8:30am: Roundtable 1: The Study of Religion in Texas
10:15am: Roundtable 2: Mapping Religion & Digital Humanities
12:00pm: Lunch on-site
1:00pm: Roundtable 3: Religious Literacy, Pedagogy, & Public Humanities
3:45pm: Synthesis and Closing Remarks
Relevant documents
Religions Texas: Mapping Diversity Round-table Flyer
Religions Texas: Mapping Diversity Keynote Talk Announcement
Religions Texas: Mapping Diversity Schedule and Parking instructions