AAR-SW Friends,
Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism is now accepting applications for the Theodore M. Hesburgh Research Travel Grant in order to conduct research at the Hesburgh Collection at the Archives of the University of Notre Dame. Application deadline is October 1. See below for details.
Deadline: October 1, 2016
Website: http://cushwa.nd.edu/grant-opportunities/hesburgh/
The Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism’s Theodore M. Hesburgh Research Travel Grant program aims to support scholarly research and writing projects that would benefit from examining material in the large Hesburgh Collection at the Archives of the University of Notre Dame. Funds are intended to defray travel, lodging, and research expenses associated with visits to the Archives.
The first round of Hesburgh grants was awarded last year. The next deadline for submissions is October 1. For all details on the scope of the Hesburgh collection and on the application process, please see:
Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C. (1917-2015), was a member of the Congregation of Holy Cross, longtime president of the University of Notre Dame, and an influential figure in higher education, American public life, and international affairs. His perspective and contributions stand to enrich a broad range of studies in American social, religious, and political history, as well as discussions in public policy, the philosophy of education, and peace studies.