AAR-SW Friends
AesthetixMS is announcing the launch of a new digital publishing platform for Conference and Seminar proceedings. Publishing through AesthetixMS is 100% free. See below for the full announcement.
The AesthetixMS is inviting proposals for Conference Publishing from Conference Organizers for Free. We are developing an innovative online platform for publishing bona fide Conference and Seminar proceedings in all the areas of all the areas of the Humanities at http://www.conferentia.in. We intend to have the following features and functionalities with the platform:
- The platform will act as an alternative to print publication with ISBN, which is a long process. We also want to add extra features like videos, photos which are not possible in print format.
- Each Conference Proceedings collection will be published as an Issue with ISSN under the Editorship of some person designated by the organizers. The same issue can be published, if the organizers want, in hard format book form with ISBN too.
- Videos of the Inauguration and Keynote Address along with text.
- Publication of Papers in standard format following APA just as it is done in a journal.
- Each item will be assigned DOI (we are a member of www.crossref.org) and Altmetrics Data (we have applied for membership)
- We will follow international standards in publishing conference papers (we want to follow Scopus norms).
- We plan to get the platform indexed and evaluated by international agencies like Elsevier Scopus, Thompson Reuters.
- We want to get the platform included in international directories and databases like EBSCO
- Finally, since our purpose is to develop an international platform, we will follow the only principle–Quality, and we will not compromise with it even for money.
Fees: Publishing with us is FREE.
Conference organizers can get in touch with us with concrete proposals at [email protected]
Amit Pandey
Publisher, AesthetixMS (www.aesthetixms.com)
Dewly, Raghunathganj, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India, 722225.