AAR-SW Friends,
Many of you remember the artistic talents of BJ Parker, former AAR-SW Graduate Student representative. BJ’s unique combination of artistic talent and academic training merged in his many art projects displayed over the last several AAR SW regional meetings. BJ has recently announced the launch of his website http://www.bjparkerfineart.com featuring his latest art projects and contact information for commissioned pieces.
BJ spent the last several years exploring the method and theory of pursuing the research and dissemination of his findings via artistic mediums. His past Exhibits and presentations in the AAR-SW region include:
2016: Gallery Exhibit: Graven Faith: Visual Explorations in the Theology of Ezekiel and Isaiah
2016: Re-membering Lady Zion: A Visual Reading of Isaiah 49: 14-26
2015: The Role of Religion in East of West and Contemporary Art
2015: Painting the Text of Ezekiel 1: Biblical Studies and Creative Research
2014: Visualizing the Feminine in Psalms 90, 91, and 92
2013: Living Alongside “The Walking Dead”