The Baylor University Institute for Oral History invites individual scholars with training and experience in oral history research who are conducting oral history interviews to apply for support of up to $3,000 for summer 2018 and the 2018-2019 academic year. With this grant, the Institute seeks to partner with one scholar who is using oral history to address new questions and offer fresh perspectives on a subject area in which the research method has not yet been extensively applied. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural research on local, national, or international subjects is welcome.
The goal of the Charlton Oral History Research Grant is to bring the strengths of oral history to new topics of investigation, create partnerships with scholars doing noteworthy fieldwork with oral history, build a substantial research collection at Baylor University through the work of a skilled oral historian, and provide long-term scholarly access to significant applications of oral history methodology that model best practices.
All grantees will agree to follow the Principles and Best Practices established by the Oral History Association; adhere to the established procedures of the Institute for Oral History; and obtain signed consent and transfer of copyright from interviewees, using the Institute’s Deed of Gift form. In addition, grantees will agree to deposit recordings and transcripts created under the award in the Baylor University Libraries and submit a brief report about the work accomplished under the grant no later than one year from the date the grant goes into effect. Grantees will also agree to propose a paper based on the funded research for presentation at the 2019 or 2020 Oral History Association meeting. If the grantee’s submission is accepted by OHA for 2019 or 2020, the Institute will pay the grantee’s basic registration fee to attend the meeting.
Grantees may use the funds for expenses related to oral history interviews, including the interviewer’s time, travel, lodging expenses, and incidental research expenses. Funds may be used to purchase digital audio recording equipment, but not video recording equipment. All equipment and recording media must conform to the current standards of the Institute. If necessary, the Institute will furnish audio recording equipment and media to ensure quality. Applicants need not include transcription costs in their expense plans. In addition to funding the interviews, the Institute will fund all expenses for processing, transcribing, and preserving the recordings, which will be accomplished in-house by Institute staff. Grantees will receive up to $3,000 in funding, payable in three installments, during summer 2018 and over the 2018-2019 academic year.
Non-US citizens are eligible but should contact the Institute regarding visas and other required paperwork before applying. Interviews in languages other than English are not eligible for the grant.
Applications will be evaluated on the significance of the research for providing a fresh approach to the subject and its potential for advancing knowledge; the originality, clarity, and precision of the project proposal; the applicant’s past record of producing high-quality oral history research; the potential for successful completion of the project within the contract period; the anticipated use of the interviews in a publication, presentation, or other public outcome.
Applications must be received by June 1, 2018.
Grants will be announced by June, 2018.
Interviews will be completed by April 30, 2019.
For more information, including past recipients and application guidelines, visit –
The Charlton Oral History Research Award honors Dr. Thomas L. Charlton, founder of the Institute for Oral History, whose vision for innovative oral history research still inspires our mission. Tom Charlton has devoted his career to opening doors for both beginning and advanced oral historians, always encouraging us to stretch further, dig deeper, and think bigger.
The Institute for Oral History is an interdisciplinary research entity of Baylor University administered through the provost’s office. Since 1970, the Institute has gathered and preserved oral history, while providing leadership and service for the profession. Search the Institute’s oral history collection and learn more the Institute’s service at
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